“You don’t have to be rich or famous to be worthy of looking and feeling like it. My goal is to end the battle for women once and for all! Time to get off the closet floor and walk in confidence. You have a lot more than nothing to wear!”

-Shelby Camp, Founder and CEO of StyleCamp

About Us

StyleCamp is a membership-based platform that teaches and empowers normal women to be their own personal stylist through a mathematical approach and personalized content sent straight to their inbox based on shape and style.

Listen, I am just like you. A normal woman, successful and hard-working. I love nice things. I always desire to look and feel my best. I fall into the comparison trap. What woman doesn’t? I’ve been guilty of letting— the pounds I want to lose— steal my joy. I want things I can’t have sometimes. There is always that one thing that I would love that isn’t in the budget or just not justify-able. Being a woman, keeping up with the trends, knowing what to swipe up on, wanting instant gratification, getting dressed everyday, feeling confident, not comparing ourselves to other women, knowing what to buy, how to dress ourselves appropriately, not letting Instagram steal our joy or tell us we always need that dupe or whatever - it is a battle.

If you are reading this, I’d be willing to bet that you are here because of that very battle. Boldly, I’ll tell you, learning to dress myself based on my shape and style has put me on the winning side of that battle and I want to teach you how to do the same!

”But I cannot afford a personal stylist. I’m not rich or famous!”

That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to look good, love your clothes and feel confident.

I created StyleCamp for YOU!

Confidence is more comfortable than your leggings.