Ninety/10 Philosophy
Ninety percent of your wardrobe should be pieces that work for your body shape and style! AKA follow your StyleCamp Shape Guide ninety percent of the time.
The other ten percent should be the fun, out of the box, “wrong” pieces, that break your rules. Yep, I said it. Keep or buy pieces that just "set your soul on fire". The ones that make you gasp out loud, the show stoppers.
So why have them? Because as much as we believe in the power of clothes, they just aren’t that serious and WE define clothes, clothes don’t define us! Did y’all hear me in the back?
Both categories are fun and important in different ways. Both should bring you confidence and joy! But don’t go rouge on the ten percent pieces just because you have more slack in the reigns…
Because let me tell you, you do not want or need more than ten perfect of those pieces in your closet. This happens when we emotionally shop, buy things to fill a void or to make ourselves feel better, buy just to buy or panic shop for something last minute.
When referring to those ten percent pieces, you'll hear Shelby say "Now this isn't the outfit that's gunna make people ask what diet I am on but you better bet they will ask where they can get my fun jacket!".
As women, we think one of two things when we see a woman:
1. She looks amazing.
2. I love her (insert article of clothing).
Your 90% pieces will get the “You look amazing!” compliments.
Your 10% pieces will get the “OMG I love your (insert article of clothing)!”
PRO TIP: If you are like every woman in the world, you DO care what others think… even just a little. If that’s you- wear your 10% pieces around people you know, that have seen you nine other times dressing based on your shape. Because this one time, while they may not compliment your figure, THEY WILL COMPLIMENT THAT FUN OUTFIT!
As a rule breaker myself, teaching StyleCamp members how to be able to determine a ten percent piece when they see it and even how to make those “wrong” piece a little more right is one of my favorite parts of my job!